GB Electric Vehicles new facility
GB Electric Vehicles moved into the next phase of our Tembo Electric Vehicle Program when we picked up the keys to our newer and bigger facility yesterday. Interest in the Tembo Electric Cruiser and Electric [...]
GB Electric Vehicles signs US$250m agreement for Tembo electric vehicle solutions
In what is believed to be the most valuable deal for electric vehicles in the Australasian region to date, we have entered a binding agreement with Tembo e-LV B.V and VivoPower PLC to be the [...]
Tembo e-LV/VivoPower enters Heads of Agreement with GB Auto for exclusive rights to distribute Tembo products
With a new year on the horizon, we are excited to announce that we have inked a new deal. Effective today, we have entered a non-binding Heads of Agreement with Tembo e-LV B.V., GB Auto Group [...]
Happy World EV Day!!
Take the Pledge and talk to us about transitioning your commercial fleet to battery electric with the Tembo 4x4 e-LV Electric Cruiser and HLX.
GB Electric Vehicles converts another Tembo Cruiser
GB Electric Vehicles recently converted another Tembo 4x4 e-LV Electric Cruiser, ready to be fitted-out for a customer. This one has a great looking Tembo bumper, designed specifically for LandCruiser. To learn more or [...]
Watch our Electric Cruiser for mining in action!
The first Electric Cruiser from our partnership with Tembo 4x4 has been seen quietly driving along the back roads near the GB Auto workshop in Orange! The Electric Cruiser is engineered with the mining industry in mind - [...]