GB Auto Team

Wiebe Wakker and the “The Blue Bandit” electric vehicle arrived in Orange this week!

Wiebe left the Netherlands in a converted battery electric VW Golf he named ‘”The Blue Bandit” in 2016 on an epic adventure as part of the Plug Me In project.  This project aims to inspire, educate and accelerate the transition to a zero carbon future.

The vehicle has a range of 200 kilometres before it needs to be recharged.  In nearly 3 years Wiebe has driven through 33 different countries to reach Australia. In 2018 he crossed the Nullabor Plain and now hopes to reach Sydney via an indirect route by April, 2019.

As an ambassador for electric vehicles and environmental sustainability, Wiebe is very interested in our battery electric LandCruiser project partnership with Tembo in The Netherlands.  He dropped in to see us at our GB Auto Orange workshop where the car was able to plug in before driving to Dubbo.

You can follow Wiebe’s amazing journey at